59. Logan S. Lancaster, Taylor D. Krueger, Nan-Chieh Chiu, Emmanuel N. Musa, Kyriakos C. Stylianou, and Chong Fang* (2024) "Unveiling ultrafast structural dynamics of ligands in photocatalytic metal-organic frameworks", ACS Fall 2024 “Elevating Chemistry” National Meeting, Denver, CO; August 18-22, 2024. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - Symposium on “Energy Applications of Ultrafast Science (Oral)", No. 4105616] - August 21, 2024. |
58. Cheng Chen, Mikhail S. Baranov, and Chong Fang* (2024) "Electronic and steric tuning of excited-state proton transfer in water", ACS Fall 2024 “Elevating Chemistry” National Meeting, Denver, CO; August 18-22, 2024. [Abstract: Poster Presentation - PHYS, No. 4107286] - August 20, 2024. |
57. Cheng Chen, Vishaka Pathiranage, Whitney S. Y. Ong, Sheel C. Dodani, Alice R. Walker, and Chong Fang* (2024) "Deciphering a fluorescent-protein-based chloride sensor with ultrafast spectroscopy and advanced simulations", ACS Fall 2024 “Elevating Chemistry” National Meeting, Denver, CO; August 18-22, 2024. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - Symposium on "Understanding Protein Structure with Spatially and Temporally Resolved Spectroscopy (Oral)", No. 4105656] - August 19, 2024. |
56. Logan S. Lancaster, Taylor D. Krueger, Emmanuel Nyela Musa, Kyriakos C. Stylianou, and Chong Fang* (2024) "Ultrafast ligand planarization in metal-organic frameworks gates charge transfer: spectroscopy-guided rational design toward efficient photocatalysis", ACS NORM 2024 "Breaking Boarders: Building Bonds", Washington State University, Pullman, WA, June 22nd-27th, 2024, [Abstract: Oral Presentation - Symposium on "Chemical Theory and Mechanisms for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Production", No. 126] - June 24, 2024. |
55. Taylor D. Krueger, Longteng Tang, Cheng Chen, Liangdong Zhu, Isabella L. Breen, Nathan Henderson, Jeremy Mills, Rebekka M. Wachter, and Chong Fang* (2023) "Dissecting the ultrafast response of an evolved photoconvertible fluorescent protein with femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy", The Fall 2023 ACS National Meeting, Symposium on "Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy Across Biological Scales" in Division of Physical Chemistry, August 16, 2023, San Francisco, CA. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - ACS abstract number: 3922741] |
54. Taylor D. Krueger, Cheng Chen, Liangdong Zhu, Isabella L. Breen, Nathan Henderson, Jeremy Mills, Rebekka M. Wachter, and Chong Fang* (2023) "Tracking photochemistry of an engineered photoconvertible fluorescent protein with tunable femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy", THE 15TH FEMTOCHEMISTRY CONFERENCE (Femto15), Berlin, Germany, July 30-August 4, 2023, [Abstract: Oral Presentation - Session 11: Ultrafast Biology, TH-O3] - August 3, 2023. |
53. Longteng Tang, Shuce Zhang, Yufeng Zhao, Nikita Rozanov, Liangdong Zhu, Robert E. Campbell, and Chong Fang* (2021) "Ultrafast switching between dark state and ESPT leads to a green-red emission ratiometric Ca2+-biosensor", 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021), Virtual Symposium on "Frontiers in Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Photoexcited States", Dec. 18-20, 2021, [Abstract: Oral Presentation - paper number: 3445911] - Dec. 18, 2021. |
52. Taylor D. Krueger, Longteng Tang, Gregory Giesbers, Ray C. Van Court, Seri C. Robinson, Oksana Ostroverkhova, and Chong Fang* (2021) "Delineating the Excited-State Structural Dynamics of Xylindein and Dimethylxylindein as an Organic Electronic Material", The XX International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS 2021), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 13-18, 2021, Remote meeting due to the COVID pandemic. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - Thursday afternoon session] June 17, 2021. |
51. Logan S. Lancaster, Chieh-Hsi Kuan, Longteng Tang, Cheng Chen, Liangdong Zhu, Min Ji Hong, John G. Labram, and Chong Fang* (2021) "Tracking Optical Phonon Motions inside Perovskites with Excited-State Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy", The XX International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS 2021), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 13-18, 2021, Remote meeting due to the COVID pandemic. [Abstract: Poster Presentation - paper number: 61.] June 17, 2021. |
50. Taylor D. Krueger, Sean Boulanger, Sean Tachibana, Chong Fang* (2020) "Developing active learning strategies and best practices for physical chemistry", The 2020 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Symposium on "Engaging Students in Physical Chemistry", July 18-23, 2020, Corvallis, OR. Abstract accepted by the program committee on March 31, 2020. Note: Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education was terminated on April 2, 2020, by the Executive Committee of the Division of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society (ACS); and, therefore, this presentation could not be given as intended. |
49. Liangdong Zhu, Cheng Chen, Longteng Tang, and Chong Fang* (2019) "Simultaneous observation of donor and acceptor vibrational modes during excited state proton transfer in water", The Fall 2019 ACS National Meeting, Symposium on "At the Interfaces of Experimental & Theoretical Nonlinear Optical Molecular Spectro-Imaging Coherent 2D Spectroscopy", San Diego Convention Center, August 29, 2019, San Diego, CA. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - paper number: 613] |
48. Cheng Chen, Liangdong Zhu, Mikhail S. Baranov, Nadezhda S. Baleeva, Ilia V. Yamposky, Kyril M. Solntsev, Chong Fang* (2019) "Recent advances of tunable femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy to design and develop superphotoacids and redder fluorophores", The Fall 2019 ACS National Meeting, San Diego Convention Center, August 28, 2019, San Diego, CA. [Abstract: Poster Presentation - paper number: 463] |
47. Sean R. Tachibana, Longteng Tang, Liangdong Zhu, Robert E. Campbell and Chong Fang* (2019) "Using tunable femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy to illuminate the structural dynamics of a functional biosensor mutant", The 2019 ACS Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM 2019), The PSU Smith Memorial Student Union, June 17, 2019, Portland, OR. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - paper number: NORM 144] |
46. Breland G. Oscar, Weimin Liu, Liangdong Zhu, Miles A. Taylor, Nikita D. Rozanov, and Chong Fang (2017) "Proton Transfer Inside a Large Stokes Shift Red Fluorescent Protein Biosensor for Calcium Ions", The International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS 2017), Churchill College, University of Cambridge, July 16-21, 2017, Cambridge, UK. [Abstract: Poster Presentation - paper number: P06] |
45. Longteng Tang, Sean R. Tachibana, Yanli Wang, Weimin Liu, Liangdong Zhu and Chong Fang (2017) "Conformational heterogeneity of the chromophore pocket inside fluorescent protein calcium biosensors", The 2017 ACS Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM 2017), The OSU LaSells Stewart Center, Construction & Engineering Hall, June 27, 2017, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - paper number: 264] |
44. Liangdong Zhu, Miles A. Taylor, Nikita D. Rozanov, Kenneth T. Stout, and Chong Fang (2017) "Vibrational motions gate internal conversion of the GFP model chromophore in solution", The 2017 ACS Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM 2017), The OSU LaSells Stewart Center, Construction & Engineering Hall, June 27, 2017, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - paper number: 216] |
43. Breland G. Oscar and Chong Fang (2017) "Active learning strategies in undergraduate physical chemistry (CH441) at Oregon State University", The 2017 ACS Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM 2017), The OSU LaSells Stewart Center, June 25, 2017, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Poster Presentation - paper number: 80] Note: Educational research. |
42. Yanli Wang, Longteng Tang, Liangdong Zhu, Che Lee, and Chong Fang (2017) "Ultrafast vibronic relaxation of a photoacid after deep ultraviolet excitation", The 2017 ACS Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM 2017), The OSU LaSells Stewart Center, June 25, 2017, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Poster Presentation - paper number: 63] |
41. Cheng Chen, Weimin Liu, Liangdong Zhu, Yanli Wang, Kyril M. Solntsev, and Chong Fang (2017) "Capturing structural snapshots of super-photoacids in solution via ultrafast resonance stimulated Raman", The 2017 ACS Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM 2017), The OSU LaSells Stewart Center, June 25, 2017, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Poster Presentation - paper number: 62] Note: Won Best Poster Award (1 out of 3). |
40. Liangdong Zhu, Sumit Saha, Yanli Wang, Nikita D. Rozanov, Douglas A. Keszler, and Chong Fang (2017) "Photochemical reaction coordinates of metal-organic complexes in solution revealed by femtosecond electronic and Raman spectroscopy", The 253rd National ACS Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, CA. [Abstract: INOR #460] ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials: Symposium in honor of Douglas A. Keszler (April 2, 2017). |
39. Chong Fang, Longteng Tang, Breland G. Oscar, Yanli Wang, and Liangdong Zhu (2017) "Taking Molecular Movies of Fluorescent Protein Biosensors", The 75th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Academy of Science (OAS), The OSU Learning Innovation Center, February 25, 2017, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Oral Presentation - Chemistry, 10:40 am] |
38. Breland G. Oscar, Nurhayati Wolfenden, Liangdong Zhu, Ryan A. Mehl, and Chong Fang (2016) "Elucidating Photochemical Reaction Coordinate of Fluorescent Proteins with Non-Canonical Amino Acids and Ultrafast Molecular Spectroscopy", The Genetic Code Expansion Conference (GCE 2016), August 11-14, Unnatural Protein Facility, The OSU LaSells Stewart Center, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract Poster: PS - 14] |
37. Liangdong Zhu, Sumit Saha, Weimin Liu, Yanli Wang, Douglas A. Keszler, and Chong Fang (2016) "Elucidating Photochemical Events of Organometallic Complexes in Solution with Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy", The Gordon Research Conference (GRC) Vibrational Spectroscopy, July 17-22, 2016, University of New England, Biddeford, ME. [Abstract: Wed/Thur #45] |
36. Weimin Liu, Breland G. Oscar, Longteng Tang, Yanli Wang, Liangdong Zhu, and Chong Fang (2016) "Capturing Panoramic Portrait of Photochemical Events in Condensed Phase with Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy", The Optical Society of America (OSA) Columbia Section, OSU and UO-OSA Student Chapter Spring 2016 Meeting & Optics Workshop, May 14, OSU Kelly Engineering Center, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Oral Presentation, 11:00 am] |
35. Longteng Tang, Weimin Liu, Yanli Wang, Yongxin Zhao, Breland G. Oscar, Robert E. Campbell, and Chong Fang* (2015) "Ultrafast spectroscopic characterization of an intensiometric green fluorescent protein biosensor for Ca2+ imaging", The 250th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA; August 16-20. (Abstract Poster: PHYS-464. August 19) |
34. Lindsay Wills, Benjamin Hanken, Thomas Mustard, I-Ya Chang, Anna Oliveri, Milton Jackson Jr, Wei Wang, Weimin Liu, Dylan Fast, Michelle Dolgos, Chong Fang, Darren Johnson, John Wager, Douglas Keszler,* Paul Cheong* (2015) "Chemical theory and computations in the CSMC: Predicting metal hydroxo cluster stabilities, cluster spectroscopic properties and structural and electronic properties of amorphous metal oxide solids", The 250th National Meeting of ACS, Presidential Events, Boston, MA, USA; August 16–20. (Abstract Poster Presentation: PRES-25. August 16) |
33. Breland G. Oscar, Liang Wang, Weimin Liu, and Chong Fang (2015) "Elucidating vibrational relaxation coordinate of the photoacid pyranine in methanol by tunable femtosecond stimulated Raman Spectroscopy", The XVII International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectrosopy (TRVS 2015), June 21-26, Madison, WI. [Abstract: PS2 - 101] |
32. Weimin Liu, Breland G. Oscar, Longteng Tang, Yongxin Zhao, Yanli Wang, Robert E. Campbell, and Chong Fang (2014) "Structural Dynamics Basis for a Calcium Biosensor Revealed by Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy", The XXIV International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Aug. 11-15, Jena, Germany. [Abstract: Oral Presentation, ThP-O-005] |
31. Breland G. Oscar, Weimin Liu, Yanli Wang, Yongxin Zhao, Robert E. Campbell, and Chong Fang (2014) "Characterization of low-frequency vibrational motions in excited state proton transfer for a green fluorescent protein-calmodulin sensor", The 248th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on "Photoinduced Proton Transfer in Chemistry and Biology", August 10-14, San Francisco, CA. [Abstract: Poster 408 - PHYS; Also selected for Sci-Mix presentation] |
30. Breland G. Oscar, Weimin Liu, Yongxin Zhao, Yanli Wang, Longteng Tang, Robert E. Campbell, and Chong Fang (2014) "Structural Dynamics Basis of a Dual-Emission Calmodulin-Green Fluorescent Protein Sensor Revealed by Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy", The 7th International Conference on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy, July 13-16, Eugene, OR. [Abstract: Poster Presentation] |
29. Chong Fang (2014) "Structural dynamics basis for emerging calcium-sensing fluorescent proteins", 2014 Volcano Conference in Chemical Biology, February 28-March 2, Pack Forest, Eatonville, WA. |
28. Longteng Tang and Chong Fang (2014) “Excited state structural dynamics of G-GECO proteins for bioimaging”, 2014 Volcano Conference in Chemical Biology, February 28-March 2, Pack Forest, Eatonville, WA. |
27. Longteng Tang, Yanli Wang, Weimin Liu, Breland Oscar, Yongxin Zhao, Robert Campbell, and Chong Fang (2014) "Excited-state structural evolution of calcium-sensing fluorescent proteins observed by femtosecond stimulated Raman", The 61st Pacific Conference on Spectroscopy and Dynamics, January 30-February 2, Pacific Grove, CA. [Abstract: Poster 31] |
26. Yanli Wang, Weimin Liu, and Chong Fang (2014) "Early-time structural dynamics of photoexcited pyranine in methanol: Transient proton motions and complex formation", The 61st Pacific Conference on Spectroscopy and Dynamics, January 30-February 2, Pacific Grove, CA. [Abstract: Poster 34] |
25. Weimin Liu and Chong Fang (2013) "Tracking excited-state proton transfer in solution with femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy and new methods for probe generation", The 68th Northwest Regional Meeting of ACS (NORM 2013), July 21-24, Corvallis, OR. Invited talk at the Physical Chemistry Symposium: Novel Spectroscopic Tools. [Abstract: 118] |
24. Breland G. Oscar, Longteng Tang, Weimin Liu, and Chong Fang, (2013) "Conformational dynamics of novel fluorescent proteins for calcium sensing: Insights from femtosecond stimulated Raman", The 68th Northwest Regional Meeting of ACS (NORM 2013), July 21-24, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Poster 82] |
23. Yanli Wang, Weimin Liu, and Chong Fang, (2013) "Early-time structural evolution of photoexcited pyranine in methanol: Transient proton motions and complex formation", The 68th Northwest Regional Meeting of ACS (NORM 2013), July 21-24, Corvallis, OR. [Abstract: Poster 83] |
22. Wei Wang, Weiming Liu, I-Ya Chang, Paul H.-Y. Cheong, Chong Fang, Shannon W Boettcher, and Douglas A Keszler, (2012) "Electrolytic synthesis of [Al13(m3-OH)6(m-OH)18(H2O)2415+] cluster and speciation of aqueous aluminum solutions via femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy", the 243rd ACS National Meeting, March 25-29, San Diego, CA.[Abstract: INOR 665] |
21. Weimin Liu, Fangyuan Han, and Chong Fang, (2012) "Excited state proton transfer from pyranine to acetate in water: Multidimensional reaction coordinate revealed by femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy", the 243rd ACS National Meeting, March 25-29, San Diego, CA. [Abstract: PHYS 203] |
20. Weimin Liu, Adam Perry, and Chong Fang, (2011) "Early-time structural dynamics of Pyranine: Ultrafast Raman spectroscopy of a photoacid", 2011 Northwest Regional Meeting of ACS, June 26-29, Portland, OR. [Abstract: 206] |
19. Chong Fang, Renee R. Frontiera, Rosalie Tran, and Richard A. Mathies, (2011) “Chromophore Ring Wagging Motion Gates Excited-State Proton Transfer in GFP”, Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 517-519. |
18. Chong Fang, (2010) “Taking Snapshots with Novel Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopies: Connecting the Dots between Structure and Function of Biomolecules”, Fall Retreat 2010, Oregon Center for Optics, September 16-17, Eugene, OR. [Invited Speaker] |
17. Chong Fang, Renee R. Frontiera, Rosalie Tran, and Richard A. Mathies, (2010) “Mapping GFP Structural Evolution during Excited-State Proton Transfer with Femtosecond Stimulated Raman”, The 17th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (UP), July 18-23, Snowmass Village, CO. [Abstract: TuG2 243] |
16. Chong Fang, Renee R. Frontiera, Jyotishman Dasgupta, Mark Creelman, and Richard A. Mathies, (2010) “Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy: From vibrational structure to multidimensional reaction surfaces”, The 239th ACS National Meeting, March 21-25, San Francisco, CA. [Abstract: PHYS 16] |
15. Richard A. Mathies, Chong Fang, Renee R. Frontiera, and Jyotishman Dasgupta (2010) “Femtosecond Time-Resolved Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy”, The 40th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics PQE-2010, January 3-7, Snowbird, UT. |
14. Richard A. Mathies, Chong Fang, Renee R. Frontiera, Rosalie Tran, Jyotishman Dasgupta, and Katelyn Spillane (2009) “Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (FSRS) of Excited-State Photochemistry in Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP): Picking Apart the Reaction Coordinate”, The Gordon Research Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy & Dynamics, July 19-24, Colby College, Waterville, ME. |
13. Richard A. Mathies, Renee R. Frontiera, Chong Fang, Jyotishman Dasgupta, Mark Creelman, and Sangdeok Shim (2009) “Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy of Chemical and Biochemical Reaction Dynamics”, The 14th International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVSXIV), May 9-14, Meredith, NH. |
12. Chong Fang, Rosalie Tran, Renee R. Frontiera, and Richard A. Mathies (2008) “Observation of ultrafast excited-state structural dynamics of GFP with femtosecond stimulated Raman”, the 236th ACS National Meeting, August 17-21, Philadelphia, PA. [Abstract: PHYS 390] Also appeared in Sci-Mix poster session. |
11. Chong Fang, Rosalie Tran, Renee Frontiera, and Richard A. Mathies (2008) “Ultrafast excited-state structural dynamics of GFP observed by femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy”, the 34th Meeting of The American Society for Photobiology, June 20–25, Burlingame, CA. [Abstract: WAM4-1] |
10. Chong Fang, Alessandro Senes, Lidia Cristian, William F. DeGrado, and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2007) “Amide vibrations are delocalized across the hydrophobic interface of a transmembrane helix dimer”, ACS Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM 2007), May 16–18, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA. [Abstract: 258 @ Ultrafast Chemical Processes I] |
9. Chong Fang and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2007) “Structures and dynamics of biomolecules in water and membrane environments studied by 2D IR spectroscopy”, invited talk, February 23, University of California, Berkeley, CA. |
8. Chong Fang, Lidia Cristian, Alessandro Senes, William F. DeGrado, and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2006) “2D IR measurements of the coupling in transmembrane helix dimers”, the MAR06 National Meeting of The American Physical Society, March 13–17, Baltimore, MD. [Abstract: B13.00008] |
7. Chong Fang, Yung Sam Kim, and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2005) “Vibrational dynamics of individual residues of a polypeptide by 2D IR”, the 229th ACS National Meeting, March 13–17, San Diego, CA. [Abstract: PHYS 506] This presentation also appeared in US-Japan Symposium on Folding, Design and Dynamics poster session, May 4 (2005) Philadelphia, PA. |
6. Chong Fang and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2004) “Dynamics and interactions within alpha-helices by 2D IR”, Chemical Biophysics Mini-Symposium “Protein Folding” by the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Biophysics at University of Pennsylvania, February 26, Philadelphia, PA. |
5. Jianping Wang, Chong Fang, Yung Sam Kim, Paul H. Axelsen, and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2004) “Vibrational couplings in peptide oligomers examined by ab initio calculations and multidimensional infrared spectral measurements”, the 228th ACS National Meeting, August 22–26, Philadelphia, PA. [Abs: PHYS 380] |
4. Igor V. Rubtsov, Jianping Wang, Chong Fang, Yung Sam Kim, Adam K. Charnley, Amos B. Smith III, Sean M. Decatur, and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2003) “Multidimensional dual frequency infrared analogues of NMR: Applications to peptides and isotopomers of secondary structures”, the 226th ACS National Meeting, September 7–11, New York, NY. [Abstract: PHYS 167] |
3. Igor V. Rubtsov, Jianping Wang, Chong Fang, Marinonio L. Cornelio, Yung Sam Kim, Adam K. Charnley, Amos B. Smith III, Sean M. Decatur, and Robin M. Hochstrasser (2003) “Multidimensional and dual frequency infrared analogues of NMR: applications to peptides and isotopomers of secondary structures”, Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science, 6th International Conference on Femtochemistry, July 6–10, Paris, France. [pp. 365–372, Publisher: Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam 2004] |
2. Chong Fang (2000) “Challenge is opportunity——solution to the environmental problem”, the XXXIII International University Congress–UNIV 2000, by the Institute for University Cooperation, April 16–24, Rome, Italy. |
1. Chong Fang (1999) “Green chemistry and the sustainable development”, AEARU International University Student Summer Camp ’99 Beijing Green Journey, August 25–September 1, Beijing, China. |